Planet HantsLUG

April 28, 2024

Andy Smith

Musings on link shorteners, UUIDv7, Base58, …

Yesterday I started thinking about maybe learning some Rust and as part of that I thought perhaps I might try to implement a link shortener.


Now, clearly there are tons of existing commercial link shorteners, I’m not interested in making a commercial link shortener since:

  • I don’t think I am capable of doing a great job of it.
  • I think being a commercial success here would involve a lot of activity
    that I don’t like.

There’s also plenty of existing FOSS projects that implement a link shortener, in almost every language you can think of. That’s interesting from an inspiration point of view but my goal here is to learn a little bit about Rust so there’s no point in just setting up someone else’s project.

So anyway, point is, I’m not looking to make something commercially viable and I don’t think I can make something better than what exists. I’m just messing about and trying to learn some things.

Seems like a good project to learn stuff – it can be very very simple, but grow to include many different areas such as databases, REST API, authentication and so on.

On Procrasturbation

The correct thing to do at this point is to just get on with it. I should not even be writing this article! I should be either doing paying work, life admin, or messing about with my learning project.

As usual though, my life is a testament to not doing the correct thing. 😀 Charitably I’ll say that I can’t stop myself from planning how it should be done rather than just doing it. Realistically there is a lot of procrastination in there too.

So Many Open Questions

I hope I’ve made clear that this is a learning goal for me, so it follows that I have a lot of open questions. If you came here looking for expert guidance then you’ve come to the wrong place. If you have answers to my questions that would be great though. And of the few assertions I do make, if you disagree then I’d also like to hear that opinion.

Thinking About Link Shorteners

Is enumeration bad?

Obviously the entire point of a link shortener is to map short strings to long ones. As a consequence the key space of short strings is quite easy to iterate through and the pressure is always there to keep the space small as that’s what makes for appealing short links. Is this bad? If it is bad, how bad is it and so how much should the temptation to keep things short be resisted?

An extremely naive link shortener might just increment a counter (and perhaps convert decimal digits to a string with more symbols so it’s shorter). For example:

  • …

That’s great for the shortest keys possible but it’s trivial for anyone in the world to just iterate through every link in your database. Users will have an expectation that links they shorten and do not show to anyone else remain known only by them. People shorten links to private documents all the time. But every guess results in a working (or at least, submitted) link and they would be proximal in time: link 99 and link 100 were likely submitted very close together in time, quite possibly by the same person.

A simple counter seems unacceptable here.

But what can a link shortener actually do to defend against enumeration? The obvious answer is rate limiting. Nobody should be doing thousands of GET requests against the shortener. And if the key space was made sparse so that some of these GET requests result in a 404, that’s also highly suspicious and might make banning decisions a lot easier.

Therefore, I think there should be rate limiting, and the key space should be sparse so that most guesses result in a 404 error.

When I say “sparse key space” I mean that the short link key that is generated should be randomly and evenly distributed over a much larger range than is required to fit all links in the database.

How sparse though? Should random guesses result in success 50% of the time? 1%? 0.1%? I don’t know. I don’t have a feel for how big a key space would be to begin with. There is always the tension here against the primary purpose of being short!

If that’s not clear, consider a hash function like md5. You can feed anything into md5 and it’ll give you back a 128 bit value which you could use as the key (the short link). Even if you have billions of links in your database, most of that 128 bit key space will be empty.

(If you’re going to use a hash function for this, there’s much better hash functions than md5, but just to illustrate the point.)

The problem here is, well, it’s 128 bits though. You might turn it into hex or Base64 encode it but there’s no escaping the fact that 128 bits of data is Not Very Short and never will be.

Even if you do distribute over a decently large key space you’ll want to cut it down for brevity purposes, but it’s hard (for me) to know how far you can go with that. After all, if you have just 32 links in your database then you could spread them out between /00 and /ff using only hex and less than 1 in 8 would correspond to a working link, right?

I don’t know if 1 in 8 is a small enough hit rate, especially at the start when it’s clear to an attacker that your space has just 256 possible values.


Moving on from the space in which the keys exist, what should they actually look like?

Since I don’t yet know how big the key space will be, but do think it will have to start big and be cut down, maybe I will start by just looking at various ways of representing the full hash to see what kind of compression can be achieved.

I’ve kind of settled on the idea of database keys being UUIDv7. A UUIDv7 is 128 bits although 6 bits of it is reserved for version fields. Out of the top 64 bits, 60 of them are used for a timestamp. Of the bottom 64 bits, 62 of them are used for essentially random data.

I’m thinking that these database keys will be private so it doesn’t matter that if you had one you could extract the submit time out of it (the top 60 bits). The purpose of having the first half of the key be time-based is to make them a bit easier on the database, providing some locality. 128 bits of key is massive overkill but I think it’s worth it for the support (for UUIDv7) across multiple languages and applications.

As I say, I know I’m not going to use all of the 128 bits of the UUIDv7 to generate a short key but just to see what different representations would look like I will start with the whole thing.


The typical answer to this sort of thing is Base64. A Base64 representation of 128 bits looks like this:

$ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=16 count=1 status=none | base64

The == at the end are padding and if this doesn’t need to be decoded, i.e. it’s just being used as an identifier — as is the case here — then they can be omitted. So that’s a 22-character string.


Base64 has a few issues when used as parts of URLs. Its alphabet contains ‘+’, ‘/’ and (when padding is included) ‘=’, all of which are difficult when included in a URL string.

Base64URL is a modified Base64 alphabet that uses ‘-‘ and ‘_’ instead and has no padding. Apart from being friendly for URLs it will also be 22 characters.


There are additional problems with Base64 besides its URL-unfriendly alphabet. Some of it is also unfriendly to human eyesight. Its alphabet contains ‘1’, ‘l’, ‘O’ and ‘0’ which are easy to confuse with each other.

The Bitcoin developers came up with Base58 (but let’s not hold that against it…) in order to avoid these transcription problems. Although short links will primarily be copied, pasted and clicked on it does seem desirable to also be able to easily manually transcribe them. How much would we pay for that, in terms of key length?

A Base58 of 128 bits looks like this:


That happens to be 21 characters which implies it is somehow shorter than Base64 despite the fact that Base58 has a smaller alphabet than Base64. How is it possible?

It’s because each character of Base58 encodes a fractional amount of data — 58 isn’t a power of 2 — so depending upon what data you put in sometimes it will need 22 characters and other times it only needs 21.

It can be quantified like this:

  • Base64 = log2 64 = 6 bits encoded per character.
  • Base58 = log2 58 = 5.857980995127572 bits per character.

It seems worth it to me. It’s very close.

How much to throw away

In order to help answer that question I wanted to visualise just how big various key spaces would be. Finally, I could no longer avoid writing some code!

I’d just watched Jeremy Chone’s video about UUIDs and Rust, so I knocked together this thing that explores UUIDv7 and Base58 representations of (bits of) it. This is the first Rust I have ever written so there’s no doubt lots of issues with it.

The output looks like this:

Full UUID:
  uuid v7 (36): 018f244b-942b-7007-927b-ace4fadf4a88
Base64URL (22): AY8kS5QrcAeSe6zk-t9KiA
   Base58 (21): CAfx7fLJ3YBDDvuwwEEPH

Base58 of bottom 64 bits:
              Hex bytes: [92, 7b, ac, e4, fa, df, 4a, 88]

Base58 encodes log2(58) = 5.857980995127572 bits per character

IDs from…   Max chars Base58          Can store
…bottom 64b 11        RW53EVp5FnF =   18,446,744,073,709,551,616 keys
…bottom 56b 10        5gqCeG4Uij  =       72,057,594,037,927,936 keys
…bottom 48b  9        2V6bFSkrT   =          281,474,976,710,656 keys
…bottom 40b  7        SqN8A3h     =            1,099,511,627,776 keys
…bottom 32b  6        7QvuWo      =                4,294,967,296 keys
…bottom 24b  5        2J14b       =                   16,777,216 keys
…bottom 16b  3        6fy         =                       65,536 keys

The idea here is that the bottom (right most) 64 bits of the UUIDv7 are used to make a short key, but only as many bytes of it as we decide we need.

So for example, if we decide we only need two bytes (16 bits) of random data then there’ll be 216 = 65,536 possible keys which will encode into three characters of Base58 — all short links will be 3 characters for a while.

When using only a few bytes of the UUID there will of course be collisions. These will be rare so I don’t think it will be an issue to just generate another UUID. As the number of existing keys grows, more bytes can be used.

Using more bytes will also enforce how sparse the key space is.

For example, let’s say we decide that only 1 in 1,000 random guesses should hit upon an existing entry. The first 65 links can be just three characters in length. After that the key space has to increase to 4 characters. That gets us 4 × 5.857980995127572 = 23 and change bits of entropy, which is 223 = 8,388,608 keys. Once we get to 8,388 links in the database we have to go to 5 characters which sees us through to 16,777 total keys.

Wrap Up

Is that good enough? I don’t know. What do you think?

Ultimately you will not stop determined enumerators. They will use public clouds to request from a large set of sources and they won’t go sequentially.

People should not put links to sensitive-but-publicly-requestable data in link shorteners. People should not put sensitive data anywhere that can be accessed without authentication. Some people will sometimes put sensitive data in places where it can be accessed. I think it’s still worth trying to protect them.


Having some customers who run personal link shorteners that they keep open to the public (i.e. anyone can sumit a link), they constantly get used for linking to malicious content. People link to phishing pages and malware and then put the shortlink into their spam emails so that URL-based antispam is confused. It is a constant source of administrative burden.

If I ever get a minimum viable product it will not allow public link submission.

by Andy at April 28, 2024 02:54 PM

April 27, 2024

Alan Pope

The Joy of Code

A few weeks ago, in episode 25 of Linux Matters Podcast I brought up the subject of ‘Coding Joy’. This blog post is an expanded follow-up to that segment. Go and listen to that episode - or not - it’s all covered here.

The Joy of Linux Torture

Not a Developer

I’ve said this many times - I’ve never considered myself a ‘Developer’. It’s not so much imposter syndrome, but plain facts. I didn’t attend university to study software engineering, and have never held a job with ‘Engineer’ or Developer’ in the title.

(I do have Engineering Manager and Developer Advocate roles in my past, but in popey’s weird set of rules, those don’t count.)

I have written code over the years. Starting with BASIC on the Sinclair ZX81 and Sinclair Spectrum, I wrote stuff for fun and no financial gain. I also coded in Z80 & 6502 assembler, taught myself Pascal on my Epson 8086 PC in 1990, then QuickBasic and years later, BlitzBasic, Lua (via LÖVE) and more.

In the workplace, I wrote some alarmingly complex utilities in Windows batch scripts and later Bash shell scripts on Linux. In a past career, I would write ABAP in SAP - which turned into an internal product mildly amusingly called “Alan’s Tool”.

These were pretty much all coding for fun, though. Nobody specced up a project and assigned me as a developer on it. I just picked up the tools and started making something, whether that was a sprite routine in Z80 assembler, an educational CPU simulator in Pascal, or a spreadsheet uploader for SAP BiW.

In 2003, three years before Twitter launched in 2006, I made a service called ‘’. It was a bunch of PHP and Perl smashed together and published online with little regard for longevity or security. Users could sign up and send ’tweet’ style messages from their phone via SMS, which would be presented in a reverse-chronological timeline. It didn’t last, but I had fun making it while it did.

They were all fun side-quests.

None of this makes me a developer.

Volatile Memories

It’s rapidly approaching fifty years since I first wrote any code on my first computer. Back then, you’d typically write code and then either save it on tape (if you were patient) or disk (if you were loaded). Maybe you’d write it down - either before or after you typed it in - or perhaps you’d turn the computer off and lose it all.

When I studied for a BTEC National Diploma in Computer Studies at college, one of our classes was on the IBM PC with two floppy disc drives. The lecturer kept hold of all the floppies because we couldn’t be trusted not to lose, damage or forget them. Sometimes the lecturer was held up at the start of class, so we’d be sat twiddling our thumbs for a bit.

In those days, when you booted the PC with no floppy inserted, it would go directly into BASICA, like the 8-bit microcomputers before it. I would frequently start writing something, anything, to pass the time.

With no floppy disks on hand, the code - beautiful as it was - would be lost. The lecturer often reset the room when they entered, hitting a big red ‘Stop’ button, which instantly powered down all the computers, losing whatever ‘work’ you’d done.

I was probably a little irritated at the moment, just as I would when the RAM pack wobbled on my ZX81, losing everything. You move on, though, and make something else, or get on with your college work, and soon forget about it.

Or you bitterly remember it and write a blog post four decades later. Each to their own.

Sharing is Caring

This part was the main focus of the conversation when we talked about this on the show.

In the modern age, over the last ten to fifteen years or so, I’ve not done so much of the kind of coding I wrote about above. I certainly have done some stuff for work, mostly around packaging other people’s software as snaps or writing noddy little shell scripts. But I lost a lot of the ‘joy’ of coding recently.


I think a big part is the expectation that I’d make the code available to others. The public scrutiny others give your code may have been a factor. The pressure I felt that I should put my code out and continue to maintain it rather than throw it over the wall wouldn’t have helped.

I think I was so obsessed with doing the ‘right’ thing that coding ‘correctly’ or following standards and making it all maintainable became a cognitive roadblock.

I would start writing something and then begin wondering, ‘How would someone package this up?’ and ‘Am I using modern coding standards, toolkits, and frameworks?’ This held me back from the joy of coding in the first place. I was obsessing too much over other people’s opinions of my code and whether someone else could build and run it.

I never used to care about this stuff for personal projects, and it was a lot more joyful an experience - for me.

I used to have an idea, pick up a text editor and start coding. I missed that.


In January this year, Terence Eden wrote about his escapades making a FourSquare-like service using ActivityPub and OpenStreetMap. When he first mentioned this on Mastodon, I grabbed a copy of the code he shared and had a brief look at it.

The code was surprisingly simple, scrappy, kinda working, and written in PHP. I was immediately thrown back twenty years to my terrible ‘Clunky’ code and how much fun it was to throw together.

In February, I bumped into Terence at State of Open Con in London and took the opportunity to quiz him about his creation. We discussed his choice of technology (PHP), and the simple ’thrown together in a day’ nature of the project.

At that point, I had a bit of a light-bulb moment, realising that I could get back to joyful coding. I don’t have to share everything; not every project needs to be an Open-Source Opus.

I can open a text editor, type some code, and enjoy it, and that’s enough.

Joy Rediscovered

I had an idea for a web application and wanted to prototype something without too much technological research or overhead. So I created a folder on my home server, ran php -S in a terminal there, made a skeleton index.php and pointed a browser at the address. Boom! Application created!

I created some horribly insecure and probably unmaintainable PHP that will almost certainly never see the light of day.

I had fun doing it though. Which is really the whole point.

More side-quests, fewer grand plans.

April 27, 2024 08:00 AM

April 26, 2024

Alan Pope

Do you know Simone?

Over coffee this morning, I stumbled upon simone, a fledgling Open-Source tool for repurposing YouTube videos as blog posts. The Python tool creates a text summary of the video and extracts some contextual frames to illustrate the text.

A neat idea! In my experience, software engineers are often tasked with making demonstration videos, but other engineers commonly prefer consuming the written word over watching a video. I took simone for a spin, to see how well it works. Scroll down and tell me what you think!

I was sat in front of my work laptop, which is a mac, so roughly speaking, this is what I did:

  • Install host pre-requisites
$ brew install ffmpeg tesseract virtualenv
git clone
  • Get a free API key from OpenRouter
  • Put the API key in .env
  • Install python requisites
$ cd simone
$ virtualenv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run it!
(.venv) $ python src/
Enter YouTube URL:
/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/whisper/ UserWarning: FP16 is not supported on CPU; using FP32 instead
 warnings.warn("FP16 is not supported on CPU; using FP32 instead")
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pytesseract/", line 255, in run_tesseract
 proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args, **subprocess_args())
 File "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.12/3.12.3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/", line 1026, in __init__
 self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
 File "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.12/3.12.3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/", line 1955, in _execute_child
 raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:/Program Files/Tesseract-OCR/tesseract.exe'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/src/", line 47, in <module>
 File "/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/src/", line 39, in blogpost
 score = scores.score_frames()
 File "/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/src/utils/", line 20, in score_frames
 extracted_text = pytesseract.image_to_string(
 File "/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pytesseract/", line 423, in image_to_string
 return {
 File "/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pytesseract/", line 426, in <lambda>
 Output.STRING: lambda: run_and_get_output(*args),
 File "/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pytesseract/", line 288, in run_and_get_output
 File "/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pytesseract/", line 260, in run_tesseract
 raise TesseractNotFoundError()
pytesseract.pytesseract.TesseractNotFoundError: C:/Program Files/Tesseract-OCR/tesseract.exe is not installed or it's not in your PATH. See README file for more information.
  • Oof!
  • File a bug (like a good Open Source citizen)
  • Locally patch the file and try again
(.venv) python src/
Enter YouTube URL:
/Users/alan/Work/rajtilakjee/simone/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/whisper/ UserWarning: FP16 is not supported on CPU; using FP32 instead
 warnings.warn("FP16 is not supported on CPU; using FP32 instead")
  • Look for results
(.venv) $ ls -l generated_blogpost.txt *.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 alan staff 2163 26 Apr 09:26 generated_blogpost.txt
-rw-r--r--@ 1 alan staff 132984 26 Apr 09:27 top_frame_4_score_106.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 alan staff 184705 26 Apr 09:27 top_frame_5_score_105.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 alan staff 126148 26 Apr 09:27 top_frame_9_score_101.jpg

In my test I pointed simone at a short demo video from my employer, Anchore’s YouTube channel. The results are below, with no editing, I even included the typos. The images at the bottom of this post are frames from the video that simone selected.

Ancors Static Stick Checker Tool Demo: Evaluating and Resolving Security Findings


Static stick checker tool helps developers identify security vulnerabilities in Docker images by running open-source security checks and generating remediation recommendations. This blog post summarizes a live demo of the tool’s capabilities.

How it works

The tool works by:

  • Downloading and analyzing the Docker image.
  • Detecting the base operating system distribution and selecting the appropriate stick profile.
  • Running open-source security checks on the image.
  • Generating a report of identified vulnerabilities and remediation actions.

Demo Walkthrough

The demo showcases the following steps:

  • Image preparation: Uploading a Docker image to a registry.
  • Tool execution: Running the static stick checker tool against the image.
  • Results viewing: Analyzing the generated stick results and identifying vulnerabilities.
  • Remediation: Implementing suggested remediation actions by modifying the Dockerfile.
  • Re-checking: Running the tool again to verify that the fixes have been effective.

Key findings

  • The static stick checker tool identified vulnerabilities in the Docker image in areas such as:
    • Verifying file hash integrity.
    • Configuring cryptography policy.
    • Verifying file permissions.
  • Remediation scripts were provided to address each vulnerability.
  • By implementing the recommended changes, the security posture of the Docker image was improved.

Benefits of using the static stick checker tool

  • Identify security vulnerabilities early in the development process.
  • Automate the remediation process.
  • Shift security checks leftward in the development pipeline.
  • Reduce the burden on security teams by addressing vulnerabilities before deployment.


The Ancors static stick checker tool provides a valuable tool for developers to improve the security of their Docker images. By proactively addressing vulnerabilities during the development process, organizations can ensure their applications are secure and reduce the risk of security incidents

Here’s the images it pulled out:

First image taken from the video

Second image taken from the video

Third image taken from the video

Not bad! It could be better - getting the company name wrong, for one!

I can imagine using this to create a YouTube description, or use it as a skeleton from which a blog post could be created. I certainly wouldn’t just pipe the output of this into blog posts! But so many videos need better descriptions, and this could help!

April 26, 2024 09:00 AM

April 22, 2024

Debian Bits

Debian Project Leader Election 2024, Andreas Tille elected.

The voting period for the Debian Project Leader election has ended. Please join us in congratulating Andreas Tille as the new Debian Project Leader.

The new term for the project leader started on 2024-04-21.

369 of 1,010 Debian Developers voted using the Condorcet method.

More information about the results of the voting are available on the Debian Project Leader Elections 2024 page.

Many thanks all of our Developers for voting.

by Donald Norwood at April 22, 2024 12:00 PM

April 20, 2024

Andy Smith

For file integrity testing, you’re wasting your time with md5

Every time I go to test file integrity — e.g. are these two files the same? Is this file the same as a backup copy of this file? — muscle memory makes me type md5sum. Then my brain reprimands me:

Wait! md5 is insecure! It’s broken! Use SHA256!

Hands are wrong and brain is wrong. Just another day in the computer mines.

Well, if it was a secure hash function you were looking for, where someone might tamper with these files, then brain is not so wrong: MD5 has long been known to be too weak and is trivially subject to collision attacks.

But for file integrity on trusted data, like where you are checking for bitrot, cosmic rays or just everyday changes, you don’t need a cryptographically secure hash function. md5sum is safe enough for this, but in terms of performance it sucks. There’s been better hash functions around and packaged in major operating systems for years. Such as xxHash!

Maybe like me you reach for md5sum because…

  • You always have!
  • It’s right there!
  • It’s pretty fast though right?

On Debian, xxhash is right there after you have typed:

$ sudo apt install xxhash

Here’s me hashing the first 1GiB of one of my desktop machine’s NVMe drives.

Hash Function CPU seconds (user+kernel) %CPU
XXH128 0.21 10
xXH64 0.21 11
MD5 1.38 56
SHA1 1.72 62
SHA512 2.36 70
SHA256 3.76 80

I think this scenario was a good test as NVMe are really fast, so this focuses on the cost of algorithm rather than the IO. But if you want to see similar for slow storage, here is me doing same by reading 10GiB off a pair of 7,200RPM SATA drives:

Hash Function CPU seconds (user+kernel) %CPU
XXH128 2.44 5
xXH64 4.76 10
MD5 16.62 35
SHA1 18.00 38
SHA512 23.74 51
SHA256 35.99 69
$ for sum in md5 sha1 sha256 sha512 xxh64 xxh128; do \
sudo sh -c 'echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches'; \
printf "# %ssum\n" "$sum"; \
sudo dd if=/dev/sda bs=1M count=1024 status=none \
| /usr/bin/time -f 'CPU time %Us (user), %Ss (kernel); %P total CPU' "${sum}sum"; \
# md5sum
c5515c49de5116184a980a51c7783d9f  -
CPU time 1.28s (user), 0.10s (kernel); 56% total CPU
# sha1sum
60ecdfefb6d95338067b52118d2c7144b9dc2d63  -
CPU time 1.62s (user), 0.10s (kernel); 62% total CPU
# sha256sum
7fbffa1d96ae2232aa754111597634e37e5fd9b28ec692fb6deff2d020cb5bce  -
CPU time 3.68s (user), 0.08s (kernel); 80% total CPU
# sha512sum
eb4bffafc0dbdf523cc5229ba379c08916f0d25e762b60b2f52597acb040057a4b6795aa10dd098929bde61cffc7a7de1ed38fc53d5bd9e194e3a84b90fd9a21  -
CPU time 2.29s (user), 0.07s (kernel); 70% total CPU
# xxh64sum
d43417824bd6ef3a  stdin
CPU time 0.06s (user), 0.15s (kernel); 11% total CPU
# xxh128sum
e339b1c3c5c1e44db741a2e08e76fe66  stdin
CPU time 0.02s (user), 0.19s (kernel); 10% total CPU

Just use xxhsum!

by Andy at April 20, 2024 11:36 AM

April 15, 2024

Steve Kemp

A simple golang CP/M emulator

A couple of years ago I wrote a simple text-based adventure game in Z80 assembly language, to amuse our child. The game was written for CP/M, because that is the operating system my single-board Z80-based computer runs upon.

Later I ported the game to the ZX Spectrum 48k.

Recently I went through a burst of enthusiasm and started to overhaul the code a little, adding word-wrapping and fixing a couple of bugs. That lead to a new release, and also a brief amount of (positive) feedback on hacker news.

After mulling it over I realized that the number of CP/M BIOS functions I was using was very minimal, almost only the minimum you'd expect:

  • Write a character to STDOUT.
  • Write a $-terminated string to STDOUT.
  • Read a character from STDIN.
  • Read a line from STDIN.

It crossed my mind that implementing those syscalls should be trivial, and if I bundled implementations with a Z80 emulator library I'd have a means of running the game without a real CP/M installation, and without using the ZX Spectrum port.

So I picked a golang-based Z80 emulator, and started hacking.

After a day I had a working system, and I added a few more syscalls:

  • Open File, Create File, Delete File, Close File.
  • Console I/O.
  • Read Record.

After that? I can now play Zork 1, Zork 2, Zork 3, and The Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy, from Infocom.

I suspect I'm "done" for now, though it might be nice to add WriteRecord and the other missing functions there's no obvious use for yet another CP/M, especially with a CCP.

Still CP/M. In Golang. For text-based adventures:

April 15, 2024 09:00 PM

April 05, 2024

Debian Bits

apt install dpl-candidate: Sruthi Chandran

The Debian Project Developers will shortly vote for a new Debian Project Leader known as the DPL.

The DPL is the official representative of representative of The Debian Project tasked with managing the overall project, its vision, direction, and finances.

The DPL is also responsible for the selection of Delegates, defining areas of responsibility within the project, the coordination of Developers, and making decisions required for the project.

Our outgoing and present DPL Jonathan Carter served 4 terms, from 2020 through 2024. Jonathan shared his last Bits from the DPL post to Debian recently and his hopes for the future of Debian.

Recently, we sat with the two present candidates for the DPL position asking questions to find out who they really are in a series of interviews about their platforms, visions for Debian, lives, and even their favorite text editors. The interviews were conducted by disaster2life (Yashraj Moghe) and made available from video and audio transcriptions:

  • Andreas Tille [Interview]
  • Sruthi Chandran [this document]

Voting for the position starts on April 6, 2024.

Editors' note: This is our official return to Debian interviews, readers should stay tuned for more upcoming interviews with Developers and other important figures in Debian as part of our "Meet your Debian Developer" series. We used the following tools and services: for the transcription from the audio and video files, IRC: for communication, Jitsi meet for interviews, and Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) for editing and video. While we encountered many technical difficulties in the return to this process, we are still able and proud to present the transcripts of the interviews edited only in a few areas for readability.

2024 Debian Project Leader Candidate: Sruthi Chandran

Sruthi's interview

Hi Sruthi, so for the first question, who are you and could you tell us a little bit about yourself?


I usually talk about me whenever I am talking about answering the question who am I, I usually say like I am a librarian turned free software enthusiast and a Debian Developer. So I had no technical background and I learned, I was introduced to free software through my husband and then I learned Debian packaging, and eventually I became a Debian Developer. So I always give my example to people who say I am not technically inclined, I don't have technical background so I can't contribute to free software.

So yeah, that's what I refer to myself.

For the next question, could you tell me what do you do in Debian, and could you mention your story up until here today?


Okay, so let me start from my initial days in Debian. I started contributing to Debian, my first contribution was a Tibetan font. We went to a Tibetan place and they were saying they didn't have a font in Linux.

So that's how I started contributing. Then I moved on to Ruby packages, then I have some JavaScript and Go packages, all dependencies of GitLab. So I was involved with maintaining GitLab for some time, now I'm not very active there.

But yeah, so GitLab was the main package I was contributing to since I contributed since 2016 to maybe like 2020 or something. Later I have come [over to] packaging. Now I am part of some of the teams, delegated teams, like community team and outreach team, as well as the Debconf committee. And the biggest, I think, my activity in Debian, I would say is organizing Debconf 2023. So it was a great experience and yeah, so that's my story in Debian.

So what are three key terms about you and your candidacy?


Okay, let me first think about it. For candidacy, I can start with diversity is one point I started expressing from the first time I contested for DPL. But to be honest, that's the main point I want to bring.


So for diversity, if you could break down your thoughts on diversity and make them, [about] your three points including diversity.


So in addition to, eventually when starting it was just diversity. Now I have like a bit more ideas, like community, like I want to be a leader for the Debian community. More than, I don't know, maybe people may not agree, but I would say I want to be a leader of Debian community rather than a Debian operating system.

I connect to community more and third point I would say.

The term of a DPL lasts for an year. So what do you think during, what would you try to do during that, that you can't do from your position now?


Okay. So I, like, I am very happy with the structure of Debian and how things work in Debian. Like you can do almost a lot of things, like almost all things without being a DPL.

Whatever change you want to bring about or whatever you want to do, you can do without being a DPL. Anyone, like every DD has the same rights. Only things I feel [the] DPL has hold on are mainly the budget or the funding part, which like, that's where they do the decision making part.

And then comes like, and one advantage of DPL driving some idea is that somehow people tend to listen to that with more, like, tend to give more attention to what DPL is saying rather than a normal DD. So I wanted to, like, I have answered some of the questions on how to, how I plan to do the financial budgeting part, how I want to handle, like, and the other thing is using the extra attention that I get as a DPL, I would like to obviously start with the diversity aspect in Debian. And yeah, like, I, what I want to do is not, like, be a leader and say, like, take Debian to one direction where I want to go, but I would rather take suggestions and inputs from the whole community and go about with that.

So yes, that's what I would say.

And taking a less serious question now, what is your preferred text editor?




Vim, wholeheartedly team Vim?




Great. Well, this was made in Vim, all the text for this.


So, like, since you mentioned extra data, I'll give my example, like, it's just a fun note, when I started contributing to Debian, as I mentioned, I didn't have any knowledge about free software, like Debian, and I was not used to even using Linux. So, and I didn't have experience with these text editors. So, when I started contributing, I used to do the editing part using gedit.

So, that's how I started. Eventually, I moved to Nano, and once I reached Vim, I didn't move on.

Team Vim. Next question. What, what do you think is the importance of the Debian project in the world today? And where would you like to see it in 10 years, like 10 years into the future?


Okay. So, Debian, as we all know, is referred to as the universal operating system without, like, it is said for a reason. We have hundreds and hundreds of operating systems, like Linux, distributions based on Debian.

So, I believe Debian, like even now, Debian has good influence on the, at least on the Linux or Linux ecosystem. So, what we implement in Debian has, like, is going to affect quite a lot of, like, a very good percentage of people using Linux. So, yes.

So, I think Debian is one of the leading Linux distributions. And I think in 10 years, we should be able to reach a position, like, where we are not, like, even now, like, even these many years after having Linux, we face a lot of problems in newer and newer hardware coming up and installing on them is a big problem. Like, firmwares and all those things are getting more and more complicated.

Like, it should be getting simpler, but it's getting more and more complicated. So, I, one thing I would imagine, like, I don't know if we will ever reach there, but I would imagine that eventually with the Debian, we should be able to have some, at least a few of the hardware developers or hardware producers have Debian pre-installed and those kind of things. Like, not, like, become, I'm not saying it's all, it's also available right now.

What I'm saying is that it becomes prominent enough to be opted as, like, default distro.

What part of Debian has made you And what part of the project has kept you going all through these years?


Okay. So, I started to contribute in 2016, and I was part of the team doing GitLab packaging, and we did have a lot of training workshops and those kind of things within India. And I was, like, I had interacted with some of the Indian DDs, but I never got, like, even through chat or mail.

I didn't have a lot of interaction with the rest of the world, DDs. And the 2019 Debconf changed my whole perspective about Debian. Before that, I wasn't, like, even, I was interested in free software.

I was doing the technical stuff and all. But after DebConf, my whole idea has been, like, my focus changed to the community. Debian community is a very welcoming, very interesting community to be with.

And so, I believe that, like, 2019 DebConf was a for me. And that kept, from 2019, my focus has been to how to support, like, how, I moved to the community part of Debian from there. Then in 2020 I became part of the community team, and, like, I started being part of other teams.

So, these, I would say, the Debian community is the one, like, aspect of Debian that keeps me whole, keeps me held on to the Debian ecosystem as a whole.

Continuing to speak about Debian, what do you think, what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Debian, like, the word, the community, what's the first thing?


I think I may sound like a broken record or something.


No, no.


Again, I would say the Debian community, like, it's the people who makes Debian, that makes Debian special.

Like, apart from that, if I say, I would say I'm very, like, one part of Debian that makes me very happy is the, how the governing system of Debian works, the Debian constitution and all those things, like, it's a very unique thing for Debian. And, and it's like, when people say you can't work without a proper, like, establishment or even somebody deciding everything for you, it's difficult. When people say, like, we have been, Debian has been proving it for quite a long time now, that it's possible.

So, so that's one thing I believe, like, that's one unique point. And I am very proud about that.

What areas do you think Debian is failing in, how can it (that standing) be improved?


So, I think where Debian is failing now is getting new people into Debian. Like, I don't remember, like, exactly the answer. But I remember hearing someone mention, like, the average age of a Debian Developer is, like, above 40 or 45 or something, like, exact age, I don't remember.

But it's like, Debian is getting old. Like, the people in Debian are getting old and we are not getting enough of new people into Debian. And that's very important to have people, like, new people coming up.

Otherwise, eventually, like, after a few years, nobody, like, we won't have enough people to take the project forward. So, yeah, I believe that is where we need to work on. We are doing some efforts, like, being part of GSOC or outreachy and having maybe other events, like, local events. Like, we used to have a lot of Debian packaging workshops in India. And those kind of, I think, in Brazil and all, they all have, like, local communities are doing. But we are not very successful in retaining the people who maybe come and try out things.

But we are not very good at retaining the people, like, retaining people who come. So, we need to work on those things. Right now, I don't have a solid answer for that.

But one thing, like, I was thinking about is, like, having a Debian specific outreach project, wherein the focus will be about the Debian, like, starting will be more on, like, usually what happens in GSOC and outreach is that people come, have the, do the contributions, and they go back. Like, they don't have that connection with the Debian, like, Debian community or Debian project. So, what I envision with these, the Debian outreach, the Debian specific outreach is that we have some part of the internship, like, even before starting the internship, we have some sessions and, like, with the people in Debian having, like, getting them introduced to the Debian philosophy and Debian community and Debian, how Debian works.

And those things, we focus on that. And then we move on to the technical internship parts. So, I believe this could do some good in having, like, when you have people you can connect to, you tend to stay back in a project mode.

When you feel something more than, like, right now, we have so many technical stuff to do, like, the choice for a college student is endless. So, if they want, if they stay back for something, like, maybe for Debian, I would say, we need to have them connected to the Debian project before we go into technical parts. Like, technical parts, like, there are other things as well, where they can go and do the technical part, but, like, they can come here, like, yeah.

So, that's what I was saying. Focused outreach projects is one thing. That's just one.

That's not enough. We need more of, like, more ideas to have more new people come up. And I'm very happy with, like, the DebConf thing. We tend to get more and more people from the places where we have a DebConf. Brazil is an example. After the Debconf, they have quite a good improvement on Debian contributors.

And I think in India also, it did give a good result. Like, we have more people contributing and staying back and those things. So, yeah.

So, these were the things I would say, like, we can do to improve.

For the final question, what field in free software do you, what field in free software generally do you think requires the most work to be put into it? What do you think is Debian's part in that field?


Okay. Like, right now, what comes to my mind is the free software licenses parts. Like, we have a lot of free software licenses, and there are non-free software licenses.

But currently, I feel free software is having a big problem in enforcing these licenses. Like, there are, there may be big corporations or like some people who take up the whole, the code and may not follow the whole, for example, the GPL licenses. Like, we don't know how much of those, how much of the free softwares are used in the bigger things.

Yeah, I agree. There are a lot of corporations who are afraid to touch free software. But there would be good amount of free software, free work that converts into property, things violating the free software licenses and those things.

And we do not have the kind of like, we have SFLC, SFC, etc. But still, we do not have the ability to go behind and trace and implement the licenses. So, enforce those licenses and bring people who are violating the licenses forward and those kind of things is challenging because one thing is it takes time, like, and most importantly, money is required for the legal stuff.

And not always people who like people who make small software, or maybe big, but they may not have the kind of time and money to have these things enforced. So, that's a big challenge free software is facing, especially in our current scenario. I feel we are having those, like, we need to find ways how we can get it sorted.

I don't have an answer right now what to do. But this is a challenge I felt like and Debian's part in that. Yeah, as I said, I don't have a solution for that.

But the Debian, so DFSG and Debian sticking on to the free software licenses is a good support, I think.

So, that was the final question, Do you have anything else you want to mention for anyone watching this?


Not really, like, I am happy, like, I think I was able to answer the questions. And yeah, I would say who is watching. I won't say like, I'm the best DPL candidate, you can't have a better one or something.

I stand for a reason. And if you believe in that, or the Debian community and Debian diversity, and those kinds of things, if you believe it, I hope you would be interested, like, you would want to vote for me. That's it.

Like, I'm not, I'll make it very clear. I'm not doing a technical leadership part here. So, those, I can't convince people who want technical leadership to vote for me.

But I would say people who connect with me, I hope they vote for me.

by Yashraj Moghe with The Debian Publicity Team at April 05, 2024 06:36 PM

apt install dpl-candidate: Andreas Tille

The Debian Project Developers will shortly vote for a new Debian Project Leader known as the DPL.

The Project Leader is the official representative of The Debian Project tasked with managing the overall project, its vision, direction, and finances.

The DPL is also responsible for the selection of Delegates, defining areas of responsibility within the project, the coordination of Developers, and making decisions required for the project.

Our outgoing and present DPL Jonathan Carter served 4 terms, from 2020 through 2024. Jonathan shared his last Bits from the DPL post to Debian recently and his hopes for the future of Debian.

Recently, we sat with the two present candidates for the DPL position asking questions to find out who they really are in a series of interviews about their platforms, visions for Debian, lives, and even their favorite text editors. The interviews were conducted by disaster2life (Yashraj Moghe) and made available from video and audio transcriptions:

  • Andreas Tille [this document]
  • Sruthi Chandran [Interview]

Voting for the position starts on April 6, 2024.

Editors' note: This is our official return to Debian interviews, readers should stay tuned for more upcoming interviews with Developers and other important figures in Debian as part of our "Meet your Debian Developer" series. We used the following tools and services: for the transcription from the audio and video files, IRC: for communication, Jitsi meet for interviews, and Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) for editing and video. While we encountered many technical difficulties in the return to this process, we are still able and proud to present the transcripts of the interviews edited only in a few areas for readability.

2024 Debian Project Leader Candidate: Andrea Tille

Andreas' Interview

Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself.


How am I? Well, I'm, as I wrote in my platform, I'm a proud grandfather doing a lot of free software stuff, doing a lot of sports, have some goals in mind which I like to do and hopefully for the best of Debian.

And How are you today?


How I'm doing today? Well, actually I have some headaches but it's fine for the interview.

So, usually I feel very good. Spring was coming here and today it's raining and I plan to do a bicycle tour tomorrow and hope that I do not get really sick but yeah, for the interview it's fine.

What do you do in Debian? Could you mention your story here?


Yeah, well, I started with Debian kind of an accident because I wanted to have some package salvaged which is called WordNet. It's a monolingual dictionary and I did not really plan to do more than maybe 10 packages or so. I had some kind of training with xTeddy which is totally unimportant, a cute teddy you can put on your desktop.

So, and then well, more or less I thought how can I make Debian attractive for my employer which is a medical institute and so on. It could make sense to package bioinformatics and medicine software and it somehow evolved in a direction I did neither expect it nor wanted to do, that I'm currently the most busy uploader in Debian, created several teams around it.

DebianMate is very well known from me. I created the Blends team to create teams and techniques around what we are doing which was Debian TIS, Debian Edu, Debian Science and so on and I also created the packaging team for R, for the statistics package R which is technically based and not topic based. All these blends are covering a certain topic and R is just needed by lots of these blends.

So, yeah, and to cope with all this I have written a script which is routing an update to manage all these uploads more or less automatically. So, I think I had one day where I uploaded 21 new packages but it's just automatically generated, right? So, it's on one day more than I ever planned to do.

What is the first thing you think of when you think of Debian?

Editors' note: The question was misunderstood as the “worst thing you think of when you think of Debian”


The worst thing I think about Debian, it's complicated. I think today on Debian board I was asked about the technical progress I want to make and in my opinion we need to standardize things inside Debian. For instance, bringing all the packages to salsa, follow some common standards, some common workflow which is extremely helpful.

As I said, if I'm that productive with my own packages we can adopt this in general, at least in most cases I think. I made a lot of good experience by the support of well-formed teams. Well-formed teams are those teams where people support each other, help each other.

For instance, how to say, I'm a physicist by profession so I'm not an IT expert. I can tell apart what works and what not but I'm not an expert in those packages. I do and the amount of packages is so high that I do not even understand all the techniques they are covering like Go, Rust and something like this.

And I also don't speak Java and I had a problem once in the middle of the night and I've sent the email to the list and was a Java problem and I woke up in the morning and it was solved. This is what I call a team. I don't call a team some common repository that is used by random people for different packages also but it's working together, don't hesitate to solve other people's problems and permit people to get active.

This is what I call a team and this is also something I observed in, it's hard to give a percentage, in a lot of other teams but we have other people who do not even understand the concept of the team. Why is working together make some advantage and this is also a tough thing. I [would] like to tackle in my term if I get elected to form solid teams using the common workflow. This is one thing.

The other thing is that we have a lot of good people in our infrastructure like FTP masters, DSA and so on. I have the feeling they have a lot of work and are working more or less on their limits, and I like to talk to them [to ask] what kind of change we could do to move that limits or move their personal health to the better side.

The DPL term lasts for a year, What would you do during that you couldn't do now?


Yeah, well this is basically what I said are my main issues. I need to admit I have no really clear imagination what kind of tasks will come to me as a DPL because all these financial issues and law issues possible and issues [that] people who are not really friendly to Debian might create. I'm afraid these things might occupy a lot of time and I can't say much about this because I simply don't know.

What are three key terms about you and your candidacy?


As I said, I like to work on standards, I’d like to make Debian try [to get it right so] that people don't get overworked, this third key point is be inviting to newcomers, to everybody who wants to come. Yeah, I also mentioned in my term this diversity issue, geographical and from gender point of view. This may be the three points I consider most important.

Preferred text editor?


Yeah, my preferred one? Ah, well, I have no preferred text editor. I'm using the Midnight Commander very frequently which has an internal editor which is convenient for small text. For other things, I usually use VI but I also use Emacs from time to time. So, no, I have not preferred text editor. Whatever works nicely for me.

What is the importance of the community in the Debian Project? How would like to see it evolving over the next few years?


Yeah, I think the community is extremely important. So, I was on a lot of DebConfs. I think it's not really 20 but 17 or 18 DebCons and I really enjoyed these events every year because I met so many friends and met so many interesting people that it's really enriching my life and those who I never met in person but have read interesting things and yeah, Debian community makes really a part of my life.

And how do you think it should evolve specifically?


Yeah, for instance, last year in Kochi, it became even clearer to me that the geographical diversity is a really strong point. Just discussing with some women from India who is afraid about not coming next year to Busan because there's a problem with Shanghai and so on. I'm not really sure how we can solve this but I think this is a problem at least I wish to tackle and yeah, this is an interesting point, the geographical diversity and I'm running the so-called mentoring of the month.

This is a small project to attract newcomers for the Debian Med team which has the focus on medical packages and I learned that we had always men applying for this and so I said, okay, I dropped the constraint of medical packages.

Any topic is fine, I teach you packaging but it must be someone who does not consider himself a man. I got only two applicants, no, actually, I got one applicant and one response which was kind of strange if I'm hunting for women or so.

I did not understand but I got one response and interestingly, it was for me one of the least expected counters. It was from Iran and I met a very nice woman, very open, very skilled and gifted and did a good job or have even lose contact today and maybe we need more actively approach groups that are underrepresented. I don't know if what's a good means which I did but at least I tried and so I try to think about these kind of things.

What part of Debian has made you smile? What part of the project has kept you going all through the years?


Well, the card game which is called Mao on the DebConf made me smile all the time. I admit I joined only two or three times even if I really love this kind of games but I was occupied by other stuff so this made me really smile. I also think the first online DebConf in 2020 made me smile because we had this kind of short video sequences and I tried to make a funny video sequence about every DebConf I attended before. This is really funny moments but yeah, it's not only smile but yeah.

One thing maybe it's totally unconnected to Debian but I learned personally something in Debian that we have a do-ocracy and you can do things which you think that are right if not going in between someone else, right? So respect everybody else but otherwise you can do so.

And in 2020 I also started to take trees which are growing widely in my garden and plant them into the woods because in our woods a lot of trees are dying and so I just do something because I can. I have the resource to do something, take the small tree and bring it into the woods because it does not harm anybody. I asked the forester if it is okay, yes, yes, okay. So everybody can do so but I think the idea to do something like this came also because of the free software idea. You have the resources, you have the computer, you can do something and you do something productive, right? And when thinking about this I think it was also my Debian work.

Meanwhile I have planted more than 3,000 trees so it's not a small number but yeah, I enjoy this.

What part of Debian would you have some criticisms for?


Yeah, it's basically the same as I said before. We need more standards to work together. I do not want to repeat this but this is what I think, yeah.

What field in Free Software generally do you think requires the most work to be put into it? What do you think is Debian's part in the field?


It's also in general, the thing is the fact that I'm maintaining packages which are usually as modern software is maintained in Git, which is fine but we have some software which is at Sourceport, we have software laying around somewhere, we have software where Debian somehow became Upstream because nobody is caring anymore and free software is very different in several things, ways and well, I in principle like freedom of choice which is the basic of all our work.

Sometimes this freedom goes in the way of productivity because everybody is free to re-implement. You asked me for the most favorite editor. In principle one really good working editor would be great to have and would work and we have maybe 500 in Debian or so, I don't know.

I could imagine if people would concentrate and say five instead of 500 editors, we could get more productive, right? But I know this will not happen, right? But I think this is one thing which goes in the way of making things smooth and productive and we could have more manpower to replace one person who's [having] children, doing some other stuff and can't continue working on something and maybe this is a problem I will not solve, definitely not, but which I see.

What do you think is Debian's part in the field?


Yeah, well, okay, we can bring together different Upstreams, so we are building some packages and have some general overview about similar things and can say, oh, you are doing this and some other person is doing more or less the same, do you want to join each other or so, but this is kind of a channel we have to our Upstreams which is probably not very successful.

It starts with code copies of some libraries which are changed a little bit, which is fine license-wise, but not so helpful for different things and so I've tried to convince those Upstreams to forward their patches to the original one, but for this and I think we could do some kind of, yeah, [find] someone who brings Upstream together or to make them stop their forking stuff, but it costs a lot of energy and we probably don't have this and it's also not realistic that we can really help with this problem.

Do you have any questions for me?


I enjoyed the interview, I enjoyed seeing you again after half a year or so. Yeah, actually I've seen you in the eating room or cheese and wine party or so, I do not remember we had to really talk together, but yeah, people around, yeah, for sure. Yeah.

by Yashraj Moghe with The Debian Publicity Team at April 05, 2024 06:36 PM

Alan Pope

SAP Upgrade: The Sound of Silence

This is the seventh in an increasingly infrequent series of Friday Tales From Tech Support. Some stories from the past featuring broken computers and even more broken tech support operatives - mostly me.

London. Summer 2002

In the early 2000s I worked as a SAP Technical Consultant which involved teaching courses, advising customers, and doing SAP installations, upgrades and migrations.

This story starts on a typical mid-summer, warm and stuffy day in London. I arrive for the first and only time to a small, second-floor office in a side road, just off Regent Street, in the centre of town. The office was about the size and shape of Sherlock’s flat in the modern hit BBC TV show of the same name, and was clearly previously residential accomodation, lightly converted.

The company was a small SAP Consultancy whose employees were mostly out of the office, clocking up billable hours on-site with their customers. Only a few staff remained in the office, including the CEO, an office administrator, and one consultant.

In the main lounge area of the office were three desks, roughly arranged. A further, larger desk was located in an adjoining office, likely previously a bedroom, where the CEO sat. Every desk had the typical arrangement office desk phone, Compaq Laptop PC, trailing cables and stationery.

In addition, dominating the main office, in the middle of the floor, was an ominous, noisy, and very messily populated 42U rack. It had no doors, and there was no air conditioning to speak of. The traditional sash windows were open, allowing the hot air from outside the flat to mix with the hotter air within.

It was like a sauna in there.

Rack space

My (thankfully) single-day job was to perform some much-needed software upgrades on a server in the rack. Consultancies like these often had their own internal development SAP systems which they’d use to prototype on, make demos, or develop entire solutions with.

Their SAP system was installed on enormous Compaq Proliant server, mounted in the middle of the rack. It featured the typical beige Compaq metalwork with an array of drives to hold the OS, database, application and data. Under that was a DLT 40-80 tape drive for doing backups, and a pile of tapes.

There was a keyboard and display in the rack, which was powered off, and disconnected. I was told the display would frequenly get “borrowed” to give impromptu presentations in the CEOs office. So they tended to use VNC or RDP into Windows to remotely administer the server, whether via the Internet, or locally from their desk in the office.

Some assorted networking and other random gear that I didn’t recognise was scattered around a mix of cables in the rack.

Time is ticking

There was clearly some pressure to get the software upgrades done promptly, ready for a customer demo or something I wasn’t privy to the details of. I was just told to “upgrade the box, and get it done today.”

I got myself on the network and quickly became familiar with the setup, or so I thought. I started a backup, like a good sysadmin, because from what I could tell, they hadn’t done one recently. (See tfts passim for further backup-related tales.)

I continued with the upgrade, which required numerous components to be updated and restarted, as is the way. Reboots, updates, more reboots, patches, SAP System Kernel updates, SAP Support Packages, yadda yadda.

Trouble brewing

While I was immersed in my world of downloading and patching, something was amiss. The office administrator and the CEO were taking calls, transferring calls, and shouting to eachother from the lounge office to the bedroom office. There was an air of frustration in the room, but it was none of my business.

Apparently some Very Important People were supposed to be having High Level conversations on the phone, but they kept getting cut off, or the call would drop, or something. Again, none of my business, just background noise while I was working to a deadline.

Except it was made my business.

After a lot of walking back-and-forth between the the offices, shouting, and picking up and slamming down phones, the CEO came to me and bluntly asked me:

What did you do?

This was an excellent question, that I didn’t have a great answer for besides:

I dunno, what did I do?


It turns out the whole kerfuffle was because I had unwittingly done something.

I was unaware that not only was the server running the very powerful, very complex, and very important SAP Enterprise Resource Planning software.

It also ran the equally important and business critical application and popular MP3 player: WinAmp.

There was a sound card in the server. The output of which was sent via an innocuous-looking audio cable to the telephony system.

The Important People were calling in, getting transferred to the CEOs phone, then upon hearing silence, assumed the call had dropped, and hang up. They would then call back, with everyone getting increasingly frustrated in the process.

The very familiar yellow ’lightning bolt’ WinAmp icon, which nestled in the Windows System Tray Notification Area had gone completely unnoticed by me.

When I had rebooted the server, WinAmp didn’t auto-start, so no music played out to telephone callers who were on hold. At best they got silence, and at worst, static or 50Hz mains hum.

The now-stroppy CEO stomped over to the rack and wrestled with the display to re-attach it, along with a keyboard & mouse to the server. He then used them to log-in to the Windows 2000 desktop, launch WinAmp manually, load a playlist, and hit play.

I apologised, completed my work, said goodbye, and thankfully for everyone involved, never went back to that London hot-box again.

April 05, 2024 02:00 PM

March 03, 2024

Steve Kemp

A simple package for running many linters

I used to configure Emacs to run a linter when saving some specific type of files. For example I'd have a perl-utilities package to reformat perl code, and run the perl-linter on saving, then I'd have a hook to do the same thing for Dockerfiles, etc, etc.

It occurred to me recently that I should have a linter for both JSON and YAML files, since I have to edit those filetypes so damn often, and that there wasn't a great solution for those - Until it occurred to me I wrote sysbox which is a simple collection of tools in one binary, and that supports some validation commands:

sysbox validate-json /path/to/file
sysbox validate-yaml /path/to/file
sysbox validate-xml  /path/to/file

With that in mind it became obvious that what I want to do is pretty much always the same:

  • Run an external command, when the file is saved.
    • If the exit-code of that command is "success" (i.e. zero):
      • Do nothing.
    • If the exit-code is "failure" (i.e. non-zero):
      • Show the output.

And this process is the same for ANY of the linters I run. The only thing that changes is the command to run, based on the mode/type of file in question.

That lead to the following configuration:

(defvar save-check-config

        (:mode cperl-mode
         :exec "perl -wc -I. %f"
         :cond (executable-find "perl"))

        (:mode dockerfile-mode
         :exec "hadolint --no-color %f"
         :cond (executable-find "hadolint"))

        (:mode json-mode
         :exec "sysbox validate-json %f"
         :cond (executable-find "sysbox"))

        (:mode nxml-mode
         :exec "sysbox validate-xml %f"
         :cond (executable-find "sysbox"))

        (:mode perl-mode
         :exec "perl -wc -I. %s"
         :cond (executable-find "perl"))

        ;; This avoids creating .pyc files, which would happen if we had
        ;; used the more natural/obvious "python3 -m py_compile %s" approach
        (:mode python-mode
         :exec "python3 -c 'import ast; ast.parse(open(\"%f\").read())'"
         :cond (executable-find "python3"))

        (:mode sh-mode
         :exec "shellcheck %f"
         :cond (executable-find "shellcheck"))

        (:mode terraform-mode
         :exec "tflint --no-color --chdir %d"
         :cond (executable-find "tflint"))

        (:mode yaml-mode
         :exec "sysbox validate-yaml %f"
         :cond (executable-find "sysbox"))

Basically a list of things:

  • We have the mode of files to which the linter/validator applies.
  • We have the command to run
    • %f is changed to the filename which has just been saved.
    • %d is changed to the directory-name containing that file.
  • We add a :cond key to decide if we should run.
    • Which basically is used for "if the binary is found .. run it, otherwise silently do nothing".

I'm quite pleased with how simple the package was to write, and now I have all my linting configuration in one-place.

I'd be tempted to do the same for "format on save", but to be honest with LSP most of the code I care about has that in-place already.

Should I rename to "multi-lint[er].el"? Probably, but I guess we'll see in the future.

March 03, 2024 01:00 PM

February 23, 2024

Andy Smith

I don’t think the cheapest APC Back-UPS units can be monitored except in Windows

TL;DR: Despite otherwise seeming to work correctly, I can’t monitor a Back-UPS BX1600MI in Linux without seeing a constant stream of spurious battery detach/reattach and power fail/restore events that last less than 2 seconds each. I’ve tried multiple computers and multiple UPSes of that model. It doesn’t happen in their own proprietary Windows software, so I think they’ve changed the protocol.

Apart from nearly two decades ago when I was given one for free, I’ve never bothered with a UPS at home. Our power grid is very reliable. Looking at availability information from “uptimed“, my home file server has been powered on for 99.97% of the time in the last 14 years. That includes time spent moving house and a day when the house power was off for several hours while the kitchen was refitted!

However, in December 2023 a fault with our electric oven popped the breaker for the sockets causing everything to be harshly powered off. My fileserver took it badly and one drive died. That wasn’t a huge issue as it has a redundant filesystem, but I didn’t like it.

I decided I could afford to treat myself to a relatively cheap UPS.

I did some research and read some reviews of the APC Back-UPS range, their cheapest offering. Many people were dismissive calling them cheap pieces of crap with flimsy plastic construction and batteries that are not regarded as user-replaceable. But there was no indication that such a model would not work, and I felt it hard to justify paying a lot here.

I found YouTube videos of the procedure that a technician would go through to replace the battery in 3 to 5 years. To do it yourself voids your warranty, but your warranty is done after 3 years anyway. It looked pretty doable even for a hardware-avoidant person like myself.

It’s important to me that the UPS can be monitored by a Linux computer. The entire point here is that the computer detects when the battery is near to exhausted and gracefully powers itself down. There are two main options on Linux for this: apcupsd and Network UPS Tools (“nut“).

Looking at the Back-UPS BX1600MI model, it has a USB port for monitoring and says it can be monitored with APC’s own Powerchute Serial Shutdown Windows software. There’s an entry in nut‘s hardware compatibility list for “Back-UPS (USB)” of “supported, based on publicly available protocol”. I made the order.

The UPS worked as expected in terms of being an uninterruptible power supply. It was hopeless trying to talk to it with nut though. nut just kept saying it was losing communications.

I tried apcupsd instead. This stayed connected, but it showed a continuous stream of battery detach/reattach and power fail/restore events each lasting less than 2 seconds. Normally on a power fail you’d expect a visual and audible alert on the UPS itself and I wasn’t getting any of that, but I don’t know if that’s because they were real events that were just too brief.

I contacted APC support but they were very quick to tell me that they did not support any other software but their own Windows-only Powerchute Serial Shutdown (PCSS).

I then asked about this on the apcupsd mailing list. The first response:

“Something’s wrong with your UPS, most likely the battery is bad, but since you say the UPS is brand new, just get it replaced.”

As this thing was brand new I wasn’t going to go through a warranty claim with APC. I just contacted the vendor and told them I thought it was faulty and I wanted to return it. They actually offered to send me another one in advance and me send back the one I had, so I went for that.

In the mean time I found time to install Windows 10 in a virtual machine and pass through USB to it. Guess what? No spurious events in PCSS on Windows. It detected expected events when I yanked the power etc. I had no evidence that the UPS was in any way faulty. You can probably see what is coming.

The replacement UPS (of the same model) behaved exactly the same: spurious events. This just seems to be what the APC Back-UPS does on non-Windows.

Returning to my thread on the apcupsd mailing list, I asked again if there was actually anyone out there who had one of these working with non-Windows. The only substantive response I’ve got so far is:

“BX are the El Cheapo plastic craps, worst of all, not even the BExx0 family is such a crap – Schneider’s direct response to all the chinese craps flooding the markets […] no sane person would buy these things, but, well, here we are.”

So as far as I am aware, the Back-UPS models cannot currently be monitored from non-Windows. That will have to be my working theory unless someone who has it working with non-Windows contacts me to let me know I am wrong, which I would be interested to know about. I feel like I’ve done all that I can to find such people, by asking on the mailing list for the software that is meant for monitoring APC UPSes on Unix.

After talking all this over with the vendor they’ve recommended a Riello NPW 1.5kVA which is listed as fully supported by nut. They are taking the APC units back for a full refund; the Riello is about £30 more expensive.

by Andy at February 23, 2024 01:15 PM

February 10, 2024

Steve Kemp

Falsehoods I used to believe about shoes

Once upon a time I used to divide shoes, boots, and other footwear, into two categories:

  • Things that had good soles and a good grip.
  • Things that were slippery and treacherous.

Nowadays I know better. When walking on snow, ice, or slush it isn't the sole of the shoe that causes you to slip, slide, and fall. It is you.

The shoes do make a difference, which is why people use icebugs (i.e. shows with little nails sticking out) and similar things. But really it's all about walking "properly":

  • One leg directly below you.
  • Put your feet down flat.
  • Shorter strides.
  • Horizontal movement is dangerous.

TLDR; be like a penguin.

Also - I seem to no longer appear on "Planet Debian". Weird. A problem for another day.

February 10, 2024 01:00 PM

August 17, 2023

Martin Wimpress

Install ZeroTier on Steam Deck

How to persist software installation across SteamOS updates on the Steam Deck.

by Martin Wimpress ( at August 17, 2023 11:15 AM

June 06, 2023

Martin A. Brooks

When contract hunting goes wrong: TEKsystems & Allegis Group

I was approached by a recruiter from TEKsystems who were looking for a Linux systems administration and automation type person for a project with one of their clients.  I took a look at the job description, and it seemed like a pretty good match for my skills, so I was happy to apply and for TEKsystems to represent me.

I was interviewed three times by members of the team I would be working in over the course of about two weeks.  The people were based in Sweden and Norway and, having previously lived in Norway, I felt brave enough to try out bits of my very very rusty Norwegian.  The interviews all seemed to go well and, a few days later, I was offered the role which I accepted.  A start date of May 15th 2023 was agreed.

I consider it a sincere and meaningful compliment when I am offered work, so it’s important to know that, in accepting this role, I had turned down three other opportunities, two permanent roles and one other contract.

As this role was deemed inside IR35, I would have to work through an umbrella company.  It’s usually less friction to just go with the agency’s recommended option which was to use their parent company, Allegis Group.  I duly went through their onboarding process, proving my address, identity, right to work and so on and so forth.  All pretty standard stuff.

As May 15th approached, I was conscious that I had not, as yet, received any initial onboarding instructions neither directly from the client or via the agency. Whom did I contact on the 15th, when and how?  As this was a remote work contract, I was also expecting delivery of a corporate laptop.  This had not yet turned up.

Late in the week before the 15th, I had a call from the agency saying that there had been some kind of incident that the team I would be working with had to deal with.  They had no-one available to do any kind of onboarding with me, so would I mind deferring the start of the contract by a week?

It turned out it was very convenient for me.  A friend of the family had died a few weeks earlier from breast cancer and the funeral was on the Friday beforehand and, as it happened, my wife and daughter also got stranded in France due to the strikes.  A couple of extra days free to deal with all of that were helpful, so I agreed and everyone was happy.

Towards the end of that week, there had still been radio silence from the client. The agency was trying to obtain a Scope Of Work from them which would lead to an actual contract being drawn up for signing.

The next Monday was a bank holiday and, on the Tuesday morning, I got this message from the agency.

Hello Martin

We would like to update you to confirm we are unable to continue with your onboarding journey, and as such your onboarding journey has now ceased.

We wish you all the best for your future assignments.

Many thanks,


Needless to say, this was rather surprising and resulted in me attempting to get in touch with someone there to discover what was going on.  No immediate answer was forthcoming other than vague mentions of difficulty with a Swedish business entity not being able to take on a UK-based resource.  I was told that efforts would be made to clarify the situation.  To the day of writing this, that’s still not happened.  Well, not for me at least.

At the end of that week, it became obvious that whatever problem had happened was terminal for my contract, so I started back contact hunting and reactivating my CV on the various job boards.

I asked TEKsystems if they would offer any kind of compensation.  I’d acted entirely in good faith: I’d turned down three other offers of work, told other agencies I was no longer available and deactivated my CV on the various job boards.  It seemed fair they should offer me some kind of compensation for the lost earnings, wasted time and lost opportunities.  They have declined this request leaving me entirely out of pocket for the 3 weeks I should have been working for them and, of course, unexpectedly out of work.

I’m obviously back looking for my next opportunity and I’m sure something will be along in due course.  This is a cautionary tale of what can go wrong in the world of contracting and, if your next contract involves TEKsystems or Allegis Group, you might wish to be extra careful, making sure they are actually able to offer you the work they say they are, and that you get paid.

by Martin A. Brooks at June 06, 2023 08:27 PM

May 01, 2023

Martin Wimpress

Steam Box vs Steam Deck

I declined my Steam Deck pre-order and I’m now playing more games on Linux

by Martin Wimpress ( at May 01, 2023 05:38 PM

April 28, 2023

Martin Wimpress

July 10, 2020

Martin A. Brooks

Getting started with a UniFi Dream Machine Pro

It’s not an exaggeration to say that I’m an Ubiquiti fanboy. I like their kit a lot and my home network has been 100% UniFi for quite a few years now.

I’ve just moved in to a new home which I’m getting rewired and this will include putting structured network cabling in, terminating back to a patch panel in a rack in the loft. I have a small amount of “always on” kit and I wanted as much as it as reasonably possible to be in standard 19″ rack format. This is when I started looking at the Ubiquiti Dream Machine Pro to replace a combination of a UniFi CloudKey and Security Gateway, both excellent products in their own right.

My expectation was that I would connect the UDMP to some power, move the WAN RJ45 connection from the USG to the UDMP, fill in some credentials and (mostly) done! As I’m writing this down, you can probably guess it didn’t quite work out like that.

The UDMP completely failed to get an internet connection via all the supported methods applicable. PPPoE didn’t work, using a surrogate router via DHCP didn’t work, static configuration didn’t work. I reached out to the community forum and, in fairness, got very prompt assistance from a Ubiquiti employee.

I needed to upgrade the UDMP’s firmware before it would be able to run its “first setup” process, but updating the firmware via the GUI requires a working internet connection. It’s all a little bit chicken and egg. Instead, this is what you need to do:

  • Download the current UDMP firmware onto a laptop.
  • Reconfigure the laptop’s IP to be and plug it in to any of the main 8 ethernet ports on the UDMP.
  • Use scp to copy the firmware to the UDMP using the default username of “root” with the password “ubnt”:
    scp /path/to/fw.bin root@
  • SSH in to the UDMP and install the new firmware:
    ubnt-upgrade /mnt/data/fw.bin

The UDMP should reboot onto the new firmware automatically. Perhaps because I’d been attempting so many variations of the setup procedure, after rebooting my UDMP was left in a errored state with messages like “This is taking a little longer..” and “UDM Pro is having an issue booting. Try to reboot or enter Recovery Mode”. To get round this I updated the firmware again, this time doing a factory reset:

ubnt-upgrade -c /mnt/data/fw.bin

The UDMP then rebooted again without error and I was able to complete the setup process normally.

It’s a bit unfortunate that UDMPs are shipping with essentially non-functional firmware, and it’s also unfortunate that the process for dealing with this is completely undocumented.

by Martin A. Brooks at July 10, 2020 06:07 PM

May 29, 2020

Martin A. Brooks

Letter from my MP regarding Dominic Cummings

I wrote to my MP, Julia Lopez (CON), asking for her view on whether Dominic Cummings had broken the law or not and if he should be removed from his position. Here is her response:

Thank you for your email about the Prime Minister’s adviser, Dominic Cummings, and his movements during the lockdown period. I apologise for taking a few days to get back to you, however I am in the last weeks of my maternity leave and am working through a number of tasks in preparation for my return.

I have read through all the emails sent to me about Mr Cummings and completely understand the anger some correspondents feel. It has been a very testing time for so many of us as we have strived to adhere to new restrictions that have separated us from loved ones, led us to make very difficult decisions about our living and working arrangements or seen us miss important family occasions – both happy and sad. Those sacrifices have often been painful but were made in good faith in order to protect ourselves, our families and the most vulnerable in the broader community.

Given the strength of feeling among constituents, I wrote to the Prime Minister this week to advise him of the number of emails I had received and the sentiments expressed within them, highlighting in particular the concern over public health messaging. Mr Cummings has sought to explain his actions in a press conference in Downing Street and has taken questions from journalists. While his explanation has satisfied some constituents, I know others believe it was inadequate and feel that this episode requires an independent inquiry. I have made that request to the Prime Minister on behalf of that group of constituents.

Mr Cummings asserts that he acted within lockdown rules which permitted travel in exceptional circumstances to find the right kind of childcare. In the time period in question, he advises that he was dealing with a sick wife, a child who required hospitalisation, a boss who was gravely ill, security concerns at his home, and the management of a deeply challenging public health crisis. It has been asserted that Mr Cummings believes he is subject to a different set of rules to everyone else, but he explained in this period that he did not seek privileged access to covid testing and did not go to the funeral of a very close family member.

I am not going to be among those MPs calling for Mr Cummings’ head to roll. Ultimately it is for the Prime Minister to decide whether he wishes Mr Cummings to remain in post – and to be accountable for and accept the consequences of the decision he makes – and for the relevant authorities to determine whether he has broken the law. Whatever one thinks of this episode, I think the hounding of Mr Cummings’ family has been disturbing to watch and I hope that in future the press can find a way of seeking truth without so aggressively intruding into the lives of those who have done nothing to justify their attention.

Thank you again for taking the trouble to share with me your concerns. I regret that we cannot address everyone individually but the team continues to receive a high number of complex cases involving those navigating healthcare, financial and other challenges and these constituents are being prioritised. I shall send you any response I receive from the Prime Minister.

Best wishes


by Martin A. Brooks at May 29, 2020 01:33 PM

August 22, 2016

Anton Piatek

Now with added SSL from letsencrypt

I’ve had SSL available on my site for some time using startssl, but as the certificate was expiring and requires manual renewal, I though it was time to try out letsencrypt. I’m a huge fan of the idea of letsencrypt, which is trying to bring free SSL encryption to the whole of the internet, in particular all the smaller sites who might not have the expertise to roll out SSL or where a cost might be restrictive.

There are a lot of scripts for powering letsencrypt, but getssl looked the best fit for my use case as I just wanted a simple script to generate certificates, not manage apache configs or anything else. It seems to do a pretty good job so far. I swapped over the certificates to the newly generated ones and it seems pretty smooth sailing.

by Anton Piatek at August 22, 2016 06:51 PM

October 05, 2015

Philip Stubbs

Gear profile generator

Having been inspired by the gear generator found at I decided to have a go at doing this myself.

Some time ago, I had tried to do this in Java as a learning exercise. I only got so far and gave up before I managed to generate any involute curves required for the tooth profile. Trying to learn Java and the math required at the same time was probably too much and it got put aside.

Recently I had a look at the Go programming language. Then Matthias Wandel produced the page mentioned above, and I decided to have another crack at drawing gears.

The results so far can be seen on Github, and an example is shown here.

Gear Profile Example Image

What I have learnt

  • Math makes my head hurt.
  • The Go programming language fits the way my brain works better than most other languages. I much prefer it to Java, and will try and see if I can tackle other problems with it, just for fun.

by stuphi ( at October 05, 2015 08:32 AM

June 22, 2015

Anton Piatek

Hello Pace

After leaving IBM I’ve joined Pace at their Belfast office. It is quite a change of IT sectors, though still the same sort of job. Software development seems to have a lot in common no matter which industry it is for.

There’s going to be some interesting learning, things like DVB are pretty much completely new to me, but at the same time it’s lots of Java and C++ with similar technology stacks involved. Sadly less perl, but more Python so maybe I’ll learn that properly. I’m likely to work with some more interesting Javascript frameworks, in particular Angular.js which should be fun.

The job is still Software Development, and there should be some fun challenges with things like allowing a TV set top box to do on demand video content when all you have is a one-way data stream from a satellite, for instance, which make for some interesting solutions. I’m working in the Cobalt team which deals with a delivering data from the TV provider onto set top boxes, so things like settings, software updates, programme guides and on demand content and even apps. Other teams in the office work with the actual video content encryption and playback and the UI the set top box shows.

The local office seems to be all running Fedora, so I’m saying goodbye to Ubuntu at work. I already miss it, but hopefully will find Fedora enjoyable in the long term.

The office is on the other side of Belfast so is a marginally longer commute, but it’s still reasonable to get to. Stranmillis seems a nice area of Belfast, and it’s a 10 minute walk to the Botanical gardens so I intend to make some time to see it over lunch, which will be nice as I really miss getting out as I could in Hursley and its surrounding fields.

by Anton Piatek at June 22, 2015 02:53 PM

June 04, 2015

Anton Piatek

Bye bye big blue

After nearly 10 years with IBM, I am moving on… Today is my last day with IBM.

I suppose my career with IBM really started as a pre-university placement at IBM, which makes my time in IBM closer to 11 years.  I worked with some of the WebSphere technical sales and pre-sales teams in Basingstoke, doing desktop support and Lotus Domino administration and application design, though I don’t like to remind people that I hold qualifications on Domino :p

I then joined as a graduate in 2005, and spent most of my time working on Integration Bus (aka Message Broker, and several more names) and enjoyed working with some great people over the years. The last 8 months or so have been with the QRadar team in Belfast, and I really enjoyed my time working with such a great team.

I have done test roles, development roles, performance work, some time in level 3 support, and enjoyed all of it. Even the late nights the day before release were usually good fun (the huge pizzas helped!).

I got very involved with IBM Hursley’s Blue Fusion events, which were incredible fun and a rather unique opportunity to interact with secondary school children.

Creating an Ubuntu-based linux desktop for IBM, with over 6500 installs, has been very rewarding and something I will remember fondly.

I’ve enjoyed my time in IBM and made some great friends. Thanks to everyone that helped make my time so much fun.


by Anton Piatek at June 04, 2015 10:00 AM

April 11, 2015

Philip Stubbs


Suddenly decided that I needed a USB OTG cable. Rather than wait for one in the post, i decided to make one from spare cables found in my box of bits.
Initially I thought that it would be a simple case of just cutting the cables and reconnecting a USB connector from a phone lead to a female USB socket. Unfortunately that is not the case.
The USB cable has four wires, but the micro USB plug has five contacts. The unused contact needs to connected to ground to make the OTG cable. The plug on the cable I used does not have a connection for the  extra pin, so I needed to rip it apart and blob a lump of solder on two pins. The body of the plug has a wall between each pin, so I rammed a small screwdriver in there to allow the soldered pins to fit.

I then reassembled the plug, and continued with the connecting the wires together. This was an easy case of , red to red, black to black, green to green and white to white. A piece of heat shrink covers the mess.
Now to use it. It allows me to plug a keyboard into my Nexus tablet. If I plug a mouse in, a pointer pops up. All of a sudden using the tablet feels like using a real computer. I am typing this with a keyboard on my lap down the garden with my tablet.
The real motivation for the cable was to allow me to use my phone to adjust the settings on my MultiWii based control board of my Quadcopter. For that, it seems even better than MultiWiiConf, and certainly a lot more convenient when out flying.

by stuphi ( at April 11, 2015 04:31 PM

January 29, 2015

Philip Stubbs

Arduino and NRF24L01 for Quad-copter build

As part of my Quadcopter build, I am using a couple of Arduino's along with some cheap NRF24L01 from Banggood for the radio transmitter and reciever. The idea came from watching the YouTube channel iforce2d.

When I started developing (copying) the code for the NRF modules, I did a quick search for the required library. For no good reason, I opted for the RadioHead version. Part of my thinking was by using a different library from iforce2d, I would have to poke around in the code a bit more and lean something.

All went well with the initial trials. I managed to get the two modules talking to each other, and even had a simple processing script show the stick outputs by reading from the serial port of the receiver.

Things did not look so good when I plugged the flight controller in. For that I am using an Afro Mini32. With that connected to the computer and Baseflight running, the receiver tab showed a lot of fluctuations on the control signals.

Lots of poking , thinking, and even taking it into work to connect to an oscilloscope, it looked like the radio was mucking up with the timing of the PWM signal for the flight controller. Finally, I decided to give an alternative NRF library a try, and from the Arduino playground site, I selected this one. As per iforce2d, I think.

Well that fixed it. Although, at the same time I cleaned up my code and pulled lots debugging stuff out and changed one if loop to a while loop, so there is a chance that changing the Library was not the answer. Anyhow, it works well now. Just need some more bits to turn up and I can start on the actual copter!

by stuphi ( at January 29, 2015 04:28 PM